Rapid Environmental Appraisal (REA) including Environmental Screening and Scoping,
Environmental Assessment (IEE/EIA/SEA Study) including report preparation, review and approval from the concerned authority,
Environmental Planning, Monitoring and Auditing,
Preparation of Environmental Management Plan and Resettlement Plan,
Pollution control and Monitoring including industrial pollution,
Preparation of Environmental Profiles and Statement reports during pre/feasibility study of projects Planning, Survey, Design, Project Management of Environmental Infrastructures Social Impact Assessment Occupational Health and Safety,
Environmental Health and Sanitation Environmental Reclamation and Landscaping Eco-tourism,
Environmental Policy Analysis, Formulation, Review and Revision Solid Waste Management including Health Care and Hazardous Waste Management,
Ecosystem and Natural Resource Management,
Disaster and Climate Change Risk Mitigation/Adaptation,
Environmental Information Management System,
Knowledge Sharing and Transfer in Environmental Sector;
Any other kinds of Study and Research in Environment, Disaster and Climate Change risk Management