EIA study of water recreational facilities in Begnas Lake
Narrative description of the Project:
- To provide the incoming tourists with different means of recreational activities in the form of water sport
- To provide the local area and its people employment and economic growth
- To help the country enhance the field of tourism
- To utilize the ever-present natural resources and beauty in a sustainable and environmentally favorable way.
- To increase the consumption of local goods by increasing the number of tourist inflow.
Description of Actual Service Provided: Preparation of Scoping Document, Terms of Reference and Report on Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) study, which includes: (a) Preparation and approval of Scoping document and Terms of Reference of EIA study and EIA of water recreational activities Project in Begnas Lake, (b) baseline data collection of biophysical, socio-economic as well as cultural environment, (c) public consultation and public hearing, (d) Preparation of draft and final EIA report of entire projects, (e) incorporation of comments from MOFAGA and MoFE
Project Duration
Start Date: 2019-01-01
Location: Kaski
Client: Begnas Adventure Park Pvt. Ltd.
Status: ongoing