EIA study of 132Kv Transmission line for Lower Khare Khola Hydropower Project
Preparation of Scoping Document and Terms of Reference for EIA Study and get approval from MoSTE, Conduct Baseline Survey for preparation of EIA Report as per Scoping Document and ToR, Tabulation and analysis of data, Impact Identification, Prediction and Evaluation, recommend Beneficial Impact Maximization and Adverse Impact Mitigation Measures, Conduct Alternative Analysis, Prepare Monitoring Plan, Prepare Environment and Social Management Action Plan, Prepare Audit Plan, Conduct Public Hearing and other Public Consultations at various stages of Project as envisaged by EPR, Prepare EIA Report, present it to MoSTE and get Approval from MoSTE, Knowledge Transfer to Client’s Staff during the course of Study.
Project Duration
Start Date: 2012-02-01
End Date: 2013-02-01
Location: Dolakha
Client: Universal Power Company Limited