ADB TA-8569 REG: Improving Safeguard Policy Applications in South Asia Developing Member Countries; SAPF (NEP) (46282- 001)
Narrative description of the Project:
Rural Enterprise Financing Project, funded by ADB, and implemented by by Small Farmers Development Bank (SFDB)
Description of Actual Service Provided: (i) Review the environmental and social national and local laws and regulations that apply to the project; identify gaps between such laws and ADB SPS 2009; and discuss how gaps will be addressed; (ii) Work closely with the FI in preparing and finalizing the ESMS, with measures to avoid, minimize, and mitigate adverse environmental impacts and social impacts/risks (involuntary resettlement and indigenous peoples) from subprojects to be funded by SFDB; (iii) Assist in developing the subproject selection criteria to be included in the ESMS; (iv) Assist in determining the capacity needs for the implementation of the ESMS and identify the key responsibilities of staff involved in the implementation of the ESMS; (v) Ensure that the ESMS will provide guidance to stakeholders in different stages, including screening and categorization, assessment of impacts, monitoring and reporting, and in undertaking corrective actions when needed; (vi) Assist the project team in drafting and finalizing other key project documents such as due diligence reports, environment, IR and IP categorization forms, and Rapid Environmental Assessment Checklist, among others, to support project processing; (vii) Consult with all relevant government agencies and stakeholders.